Tourist map of hollywood
Hollywood attractions map. Tourist map of hollywood (California - USA) to print. Tourist map of hollywood (California - USA) to download. Hollywood is the largest municipal park in the United States and it is also a great place to admire the 9 letters of Hollywood, especially if the tourist walk along the railing on the right side of the parking lot. Indeed, the protected area around the Hollywood tourist sign is part of Griffith Park and it is forbidden to build anything there. As a bonus, tourist can admire the breathtaking map views of the whole city.
A true symbol of the entertainment industry, Hollywood attracts tourist with its famous attractions, including the TCL Chinese Theatre, the star-studded Walk of Fame, Paramount Pictures studios, historic concert halls such as the Hollywood Bowl, and the Dolby Theatre where the Oscars are held. There are also humorous improvisation clubs, trendy retro-style bars and exclusive nightclubs in Hollywood. Residents enjoy restaurants in the nearby Thai Town area map.
Most tourists come to Hollywood to experience the glamour and excitement of Tinseltown while keeping a hopeful eye open for celebrity sightings, but tourist will also find a in Hollywood variety of natural and cultural attractions and things to do, including hiking, horseback riding, and museums. The tourist visiting Hollywood lies about eight miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles map in the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains, the home of the famous Hollywood sign.