Los Angeles satellite map
Map of Los Angeles satellite . Los Angeles satellite map (California - USA) to print. Los Angeles satellite map (California - USA) to download. Los Angeles on satellite map covers an area of 1,290.6 km2 (of which 75.7 km2 are water bodies, or 5.86% of the total). The longest north-south distance of Los Angeles on satellite is 71 km, the east-west distance is 47 km; the total perimeter is 550 km. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Los Angeles is the seventh largest city in the country in terms of area among cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants.
The maximum altitude on the commune of Los Angeles on satellite map is 1,548 m at Sister Elsie Peak. The territory of the city of Los Angeles on satellite is so vast that it is generally divided into several large regions : Downtown Los Angeles (Central L.A), Eastside, Wilshire, Hollywood, Northwest, South Los Angeles (formerly South Central), Westside, San Fernando Valley, and Harbor Area. These areas constitute the largest geographic divisions of the city and are themselves divided into many neighborhoods.
Los Angeles on satellite map lies in a basin in Southern California, adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, with mountains as high as 10,000 feet (3,000 m), and deserts. The city, which covers about 469 square miles on satellite (1,210 km2), is the seat of Los Angeles County, the most populous county in the United States. The Los Angeles metropolitan area (MSA) is home to 13.1 million people, making it the second-largest metropolitan area in the nation after New York. Greater Los Angeles includes metro Los Angeles as well as the Inland Empire and Ventura County. It is the second-most populous U.S. combined statistical area, also after New York, with a 2015 estimate of 18.7 million people.