
Los Angeles road map

Map of Los Angeles road. Los Angeles road map (California - USA) to print. Los Angeles road map (California - USA) to download. Los Angeles is a place known for its automotive culture. The angelenos spend a good part of their time in road in Los Angeles, whether for business or pleasure. Many visitors enjoy exploring this 500 square mile city by car. Whether this is your first time in the City of Angels or you are a regular visitor, there are some basic driving rules and tips to help you discover Los Angeles road map.

Map of Los Angeles road

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In Los Angeles road map, traffic is on the right. Although each state sets its own rules of the road, most of Los Angeles road laws are the same or similar to those of the country as a whole. The minimum age for driving in Los Angeles is 16. Drivers must have a valid U.S. driver license or an international driver license. Speed limits and rules of the road are strictly enforced. If there are no speed limit signs, the maximum speed limit is 25 miles per hour on city streets and 65 miles per hour on highways.
Traffic jams, everyone knows, and in Los Angeles even more than elsewhere, given the size of the megalopolis. The speedometer stuck at 15km/h of Los Angeles road map, nerves on edge, the exquisite smell of exhaust fumes, the names of birds and unfortunate gestures. In short, enough to destroy your Zen attitude. Fortunately, there are tips and B plans to avoid traffic jams in Los Angeles road, arrive on time and find your inner serenity.