
Los Angeles on world map

Los Angeles state map. Los Angeles on world map (California - USA) to print. Los Angeles on world map (California - USA) to download. Los Angeles on world map, is the heart of southern California, became a world-class city very recently. At the start of the 20th century it was considered merely “a large village.” This ascendancy is all the more remarkable considering that Los Angeles originally lacked some of the essential building blocks associated with cityhood, such as a natural harbour. Yet Los Angeles overcame natural deficiencies and established itself as an important centre of commerce, agriculture, tourism, and industry.

Los Angeles state map

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Los Angeles became a world leading financial centre early in the 20th century in conjunction with strong activity in oil drilling, agriculture, and land development in the map of Los Angeles on world. A major milestone was reached in 1920, when Los Angeles bank clearings exceeded those even of San Francisco. In later decades more than a billion shares of stock were traded annually on the Pacific Stock Exchange.
In the early 21st century, the combined ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach accounted for nearly two-thirds of the West Coast foreign import cargo and, in terms of volume, Los Angeles on world is jointly constituted the third largest harbour in the world after Singapore and Hong Kong. Among the main imports were automobiles, gasoline and jet fuel, steel, footwear, lumber, scrap metal, copper ore, and inorganic compounds. Los Angeles ports on world map provided thousands of jobs and generated considerable tax revenues.