
Los Angeles public transportation map

Los Angeles public transit map. Los Angeles public transportation map (California - USA) to print. Los Angeles public transportation map (California - USA) to download. Most Los Angeles public transportation is handled by Metro, which offers maps, schedules and trip-planning help through its website. To ride Metro trains and buses in Los Angeles map, buy a reusable TAP card. Available from TAP vending machines at Metro stations with a $1 surcharge, the cards allow you to add a preset cash value or day passes. The regular base fare for Los Angeles public transportation is $1.75 per boarding, or $7/25 for a day/week pass with unlimited rides. Both single-trip tickets and TAP cards loaded with a day pass are available on Metro buses (ensure you have the exact change). When using a TAP card, tap the card against the sensor at station entrances and aboard buses.

Los Angeles public transit map

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Los Angeles has the second largest public transportation agency in the nation that operates more than 1,500 buses. We also have a subway system that can take you from Downtown Los Angeles map to Hollywood in about 15 minutes. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) operates the public buses and commuter trains within Los Angeles public transportation. The has extensive schedule information, trip planners and much more.
More than 10 million people live in Los Angeles map, which, of course, results in a lot of cars on the road, the infamous smog, and legendary traffic of public transportation. While many Los Angeles visitors still rent cars or rely on ride-share services, a fairly comprehensive Los Angeles public transportation system of buses and trains does exist.