
LA bike map

Los Angeles bike map. LA bike map (California - USA) to print. LA bike map (California - USA) to download. City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation Bicycle Information Web Site provides LA bike, bike parking tips and info, bicycle law information, and other resources. Look for a link on the lower right side of the LA bike map you will find the Information Web Site where you can download a guide which offers Rules, regulations and safety tips to help you make the most of bicycling around LA.
Bike Share Programs - At many locations throughout LA bike map you will see bike racks with a row of bright green bikes, which are for rent by the hour (most programs prorate partial hours). You can sign up online, download a mobile app, or pay by credit card at the station. Either way, you do not have to leave your driver license at a rental shop. However, the LA bicycles are built to last, not for speed. They are best for short trips, or for making connections between bus stops. You must be at least 16 years old to use bike share programs, and an adult needs to be with anyone under 18. These are relatively new LA bike program that began during 2016, so the stations are currently limited in number.