Thai town Los Angeles map
Map of thai town Los Angeles. Thai town Los Angeles map (California - USA) to print. Thai town Los Angeles map (California - USA) to download. Thai town in Los Angeles map is a proud melting pot where visitors can travel the world without a passport, simply by roaming from one officially designated ethnic enclave to the next. One such neighborhood is the world first and only thai town Los Angeles: a few blocks in East Hollywood where you can find authentic cuisine, get a massage, shop for silks and imported ingredients, and learn more about the Southeast Asian culture in thai town Los Angeles.
Thai town in Los Angeles map is home to 60-plus Thai companies including bookstores, restaurants, and silk shops. As in Thailand, you can get reasonably priced reflexology or (under $90) deep-tissue thai town Los Angeles-style massages — some shops even walk out kinks with their feet while customers lay on a floor bed. Most practitioners are fairly spartan but clean like Nuad Royal Thai Spa, Siam Classic, or Leela Spa. Many stay open late and offer early bird specials on weekdays in thai town Los Angeles.