Children's hospital Los Angeles map
Map of children's hospital Los Angeles. Children's hospital Los Angeles map (California - USA) to print. Children's hospital Los Angeles map (California - USA) to download. Children's hospital in Los Angeles map play a central role in advancing the health of all children. From prevention to critical care, children's hospital Los Angeles meet the health care needs of children 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Children's hospital Los Angeles also provide a disproportionately large share of the nation’s health professional’s training and research aimed at producing the best possible medical outcomes for kids.
Children's hospital in Los Angeles map is a nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than half a million times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Children's hospital Los Angeles history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of children's hospital Los Angeles patients.